
Hal yang kurang menyenangkan adalah ketika kamu harus melihat orang lain berubah,
But, it's nothing happen to you...
Like you see your sisters became older day by day, 
How she thinks, how she talks about, her body, and everything, all of that had change...
And yaahhh...kamu merasa tertinggal, sendiri...
Sometimes, in my head I imagine maybe it's gonna be better if they're just being a kid like before...
Just being my little sister,
Hmm...so selfies,

Btw, I had ever seen MAQUIA dan aku udah pernah review juga di blog ini (Klik disini)
I tried to describe how I felt after seen that anime movie,
Deep banget sih menurut aku, walaupun agak creepy (it's oke coz it's just fantasy, right) but I GOT that point,
Dan itu yang bikin aku nangissssss banget pas menjelang ending hiksss T.T

Sometimes I feel like that,
Bukan tentang keabadiannya yaa but lebih kepada mentality-nya sih, hehee
Because I'm not ready yet, but sudah pasti terjadi, 
Hmmm...Idk to describe it more guyss,
Sorry hahahaaa...
I just want to write this feelings, so it make me feel better, yeaah...little,

Happy March ♡
Hope you guyss always happy too ;)


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